Updated 22/08/2024

Country overview

  • There are no restrictions for people living with HIV on entry and residence in Poland. Antiretroviral medicines can be brought for personal use in the amount corresponding to the duration of stay. It is advisable to take a letter from your doctor, If you have a supply of treatment for more than 6 months.
  • For refugees there are specific rules. They could be asked for information about health and chronic diseases (this applies to all patients, those not under care in Poland are asked about previous medical documents (medical history)). But HIV is not a reason of refusage to stay and submit documents.

Labor migrants

Documents required for registration and free ART:
  1. Card of Pobytu or Pesel.
  2. RMUA - health insurance, which can be obtained from the employer as early as one month after starting work, or ZUS - voluntary insurance. For more information, see the website
  3. Medical records and doctor's prescriptions. You can bring empty packages of your treatment to the appointment with a doctor if you don`t have prescriptions.


There is a mechanism in Poland for refugees to receive ART. It is necessary to provide a passport and a document confirming refugee status, issued by the Polish Border Guard. It is also advisable to bring medical records and prescriptions from a doctor. You can bring empty packages of your treatment to the appointment with a doctor if you don`t have prescriptions.

Access to treatment

HIV medical services are integrated into regular clinics. To register and get ART for free, you have to make an appointment at the nearest HIV clinic. The drugs are also provided there. For a list with addresses and contacts, see "How to get to the HIV clinic"

Treatment for people living with HIV is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, so it is not possible to buy ART treatment on your own without a prescription. However, by contacting a doctor you can get prescriptions for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) of HIV and buy the prescribed drugs.
It is possible to buy ART online, from outside of the country if there is an urgent need, but you will be able to order only the original drugs, which are expensive. In this case, we recommend using a trusted resource, to ensure that the medications are delivered.

You should seek advice and help from local NGOs if you are left without ART, have difficulties with your insurance, or do not have the proper documents. You can find contacts and addresses in the section "NGOs".


Service: social support, housing and care related to HIV
Web site: www.fes.edu.pl
Address: Sewerynow 4/100, 00-331 Warsaw, Poland