Updated 15/02/2025

Country overview

  • There are no restrictions on entry and residence for people living with HIV in Kazakhstan.
  • Antiretroviral treatment can be carried for personal use in quantities appropriate to the duration of the stay.

Labor migrants

Treatment is free of charge if you have registration and a residence permit. HIV status is not a barrier for obtaining a residence permit.


For refugees there are no special conditions to receive medical care related to HIV in Kazakhstan.
Refugees receive medical care under the same conditions as foreign nationals, and if the person is registered and has a residence permit treatment is provided free of charge. HIV status is not a barrier for obtaining a residence permit.

Access to treatment

After obtaining a residence permit, it is necessary to contact the nearest clinic specializing in HIV treatment (AIDS Prevention and Control Center). You can find the addresses of all AIDS Prevention and Control Centers in Kazakhstan on the website of the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases. Medical insurance is not required when visiting the Center.
In the absence of a residence permit, it is necessary to undergo viral load and CD4 count tests and send the results to the country where you are registered. Relatives or friends can obtain ART with a power of attorney and send it to Kazakhstan. It is important to remember that shipping is not always trouble-free, and sometimes authorities require a permit to transport medications.

Addresses and phone numbers of AIDS centers in Kazakhstan regions
AIDS Center in Almaty
Web site: www.gcaids.kz
Address: Almaty, Basenova str. 2, building 4
AIDS Center in Astana
Web site: www.nsaids.kz
Address: 5/1 Ilyas Esenberlin St., Astana

Antiretroviral drugs are not sold in the pharmacy network of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV is currently available in pharmacies in Almaty. For example, this can be done at the address: Zharokova Street - Satpaev Street (Satpaev, 55).

In emergencies, you can receive antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 1-2 months by contacting an NGO from the list in the relevant section. In Almaty, with the participation of the NGO "Community friends", a specialized project supporting migrants with HIV is implemented. Contact coordinator: +7 777 390 1567, Oksana Ibragimova.


Web site: www.pereboi.kz