Updated 15/02/2025

Country overview

There are no restrictions for entry or residence in Estonia for people living with HIV. Antiretroviral drugs may be carried for personal use, in quantities appropriate to the length of stay. ART is free for residents of Estonia regardless of health insurance.

Labor migrants

Migrant workers with an employment contract receive compulsory health insurance from their place of work. Employees who have an employment contract for a period of more than 1 month are entitled to health insurance. Health insurance provides foreigners with access to medical services on an equal basis to citizens of the country.


Persons who have confirmed international protection (refugee status or so-called "temporary protection") are entitled to compulsory health insurance. An application for compulsory health insurance is considered after confirmation of international protection status has been given.

Access to treatment

You can get ART and medical care at one of the clinics that specialize in the treatment of HIV infection. To make an appointment, you must have a passport, a certificate of compulsory health insurance and an individual code issued by the Estonian authorities. In addition to all of the above listed documents, for refugees, a certificate confirming status as a refugee is required- a temporary protection card.

West Tallinn Central Hospital
Web site: www.keskhaigla.ee
Address: Tallinn, Paldiski mnt. 62 (Paldiski mnt. 62)
Phone: +372 659 8594 Mon-Fri 08.00-15.00
Tartu University Clinic
Web site: www.kliinikum.ee
Address: Tartu, Puusepa 8a
Phone: +372 731 8608 Mon-Fri 08.00-16.00
Narva Hospital
Web site: www.narvahaigla.ee
Address: Narva, Haigla 1
Phone: +372 354 2039 Mon-Fri 08.00-16.00
Pärnu Hospital
Web site: www.ph.ee
Address: Pärnu, Ristiku 1
Phone: +372 447 3300 Mon-Fri 07.30-18.00
Ida-Viru Central Hospital
Web site: www.ivkh.ee
Address: Kohtla-Jarve, Ravi 10C
Phone: +372 5681 9343 Mon-Fri 08.00-16.00

PrEP and PEP can only be purchased at a pharmacy if you have a medical certificate (electronic prescription) from an Estonian doctor specialising in infectious diseases. The cost of a PrEP/PEP pack if you have insurance is about 50 euros, without it - about 200 euros.

In emergency cases, contact an NPO for help.


Service: Assistance with access to ART and substitution therapy, social and psychological support, consultations on health insurance for refugees, testing for HIV, HCV
Web site: www.ehpv.ee
Phone: +37258706070
  • Tallinn, Rävala pst 8-1014
  • Tallinn, Niine 2, EHPV counselling office at the Refugee Centre
  • Tartu, Kalevi tn 51
  • Jõhvi, — Jõhvi, Rakvere tn 4
  • Narva, Linda 4 (endine „Baltijets“), 6th floor