Updated 18/02/2025

Country overview

  • There are no restrictions on entry and residence for people living with HIV in the UK.
  • Antiretroviral treatments can be brought for personal use.
  • Testing, medical care, and ART are free for nationals and foreigners alike.

Labor migrants

No documents are required to receive HIV care and treatment, including free ART.


No documents are required to receive HIV care and treatment, including free ART.

Access to treatment

You don't need any documents to get ART and other HIV-related medical services. Just go to the nearest British Association for Sexual Health and HIV specialist clinic using the following link:

Find a clinic near you: www.bashh.org/clinics

ART cannot be purchased in the UK. It is only available free of charge via a specialist sexual health and HIV clinic. Please see the link:

In an emergency, you will not stay without treatment. Visit one of the clinics on the following list and you will receive ART within one day.


Service: counseling, support groups, HIV testing, condom distribution, hotline
Web site: www.tht.org.uk
Address: 439 Caledonian Road, London N7 9BG United Kingdom